Support Us

If you would like to support us, and help us continue to offer quality items at low prices, there are a few ways that you can do that:

  1. Keep us in your prayers.
  2. Buy items from us.
  3. Send us old natural-fiber sheets. Seriously. Sheets tend to be made of decent fabric, and wear in a specific way. Often, when the fitted sheet is worn completely through, the flat sheet will still be in almost new condition. We use this material to make dresses and nighties for the girls, and boy’s shirts and pajamas. We intend to put some nighties/dresses up in the shop soon, but you can also contact me using the Contact Page to special order made to measure nighties or dresses.
  4. Send us anything you make by hand. Do you crochet wash rags? Knit socks? Make some other useful item by hand? Feel free to send us some. Just know that if we cannot personally use the gift, we will allow it to flow through us by offering it in the shop.

If you wish to mail anything to us, our address is 401 North Mechanic Street, Albany WI 53502.