I recommend Mane ‘n Tail.

Because you can buy it in gallon jugs at your local farm store (I refill smaller bottles), because its cheap, because it works good, and because any little boy or girl will be happy to use a shampoo or conditioner that has instructions for both human and equine use. But those aren’t the only reasons. My mother in law sells Melalueca products, and sometimes seems to believe that if we use anything else we are risking the lives of our children. She doesn’t even like that Courtney makes her own laundry soap and and dishwasher detergent out of a few non-toxic ingredients. So I compared the ingredients of Mane ‘n Tail shampoo with Melalueca shampoo, and the Mane ‘n Tail had less ingredients by quite a few, less unpronounceable ingredients, and no unpronounceable ingredients that were not also in the “health-friendly, environment-friendly” Melalueca product. I call that an easy win for Mane ‘n Tail